Go to www.frv-college.ph where you can see our courses offered. Choose the one you want to enroll in.
Walk-in enrolees, please go to Registrar to get enrollment form.
Online enrolees, click on the "enroll" button below the course you want to enroll in.
For walk-in enrollees, pls proceed to registrar to get enrollment form and list of requirements.
Online-enrollees will get the form sent to your e-mail address. You can also click here to get the form. If you want, you may ask us to send the enrollment form to you. Send us an email: info@frv-college.ph.
On-site enrollees please fill in the form and proceed to registrar to submit together with requirements. You will be given an assessment form.
Online enrollees, please click on the enroll button below. After filling and submitting the form, you will receive an assessment form sent to your e-mail.
Online enrollment for School year 2024-2025 is now ongoing.
Pay the amount on your assessment form. Submit a copy to accounting@frv-college.ph. Please allow us 5-7 working days to verify your payment.
We prefer online bank payments, but other options are also available. See info above.
The registrar will inform you of your schedule for ID picture taking and how to order your uniforms. Class schedules will be given before the start of classes.
After enrollment, payment is verified, and ID issued, the Digital and Communications Team will issue you your own frv-college.ph email address, your personal MyFRV file, and guide you in joining the Facebook group you belong to. Under your personal MyFRV file, you can check your ID, grades, assesment forms, transcript of grades, and diploma.
You will use your frv-college.ph email to log in to your Google Classroom. All students have access to the Google Classrooms of the subjects they are enrolled in. At the end of each semester, your access to the subject's Classroom is automatically cancelled. Please save your data if you want a copy of them. Upon enrollment in another subject, you will then get access to that subject.
Please do not forget to like and follow our Official Facebook Page.
Your opinion is important to us. Please do not hesitate to send us a feedback if you have any concerns or suggestions.
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